Quick and easy subscription and installation, all free of charge

Valid for all fibre optic and mobile plans.

12-month discount

We not only offer you the best possible price on your plan, but an additional discount to help you save even more.

Share data between mobiles

Decide how many gigabytes each line of your rate can use.

Television for the whole family

4k decoder, more than 90 channels and thousands of hours of on-demand content.

the easiest and quickest way to subscribe to your plan

Call us free of charge

Sign up to a plan

Installed and ready to go


Completing the online subscription process will only take you a few minutes, you can start by clicking ‘Shop now' on the plan you wish to sign up for. Once you have done this, we will contact you within 48 hours so that you can choose the day and time of the installation and get connected as soon as possible.

On the day of the installation, the technician will bring the SIM cards to your home free of charge. Portability will be completed within the following 48 hours and we will inform you to make sure you have a working mobile line at all times.

Special promotion only valid for the areas of coverage included in the offer and new subscriptions: 12-month discount subject to minimum 12-month subscription. Check your coverage to see if you are eligible for this promotion.
See terms and conditions >

If you prefer, you can contract 1000 Mb optical fiber without permanence for 24.99 €/month + a one-time installation fee of 50 € + taxes.