But being from Avatel and getting months for free is twice as cool, or triple, or quadruple...
Save money every month by recommending Avatel to your acquaintances and get as many months of free fibre as you want.
Recommend Avatel to your acquaintances by telling them about the advantages of fibre and mobile rates.
Share your ID with your acquaintance so they can use it at the time of hiring. Remember that the customer ID is the one that appears on your invoice.
As soon as your friend has installed the fibre, call us at 1790 and we will activate the discount that you will see on your bill for the following month. That easy.
All our rates have symmetrical 600 megabyte fibre optics.
In all fibre and mobile promotions it is included in your rate.
Bringing you a better connection at a better price.
Over 90 live channels and thousands of hours of the best content.